Sunday, July 29, 2007

What pups are doing now...

Okay, so I SHOULD be cleaning out the overnight dirty papers in the pen in the kitchen while pups are outdoors in the big pen. But, I'm not. *g* So I'll fill you all in on puppy development instead. Morning cleaning IS the biggest downside to puppies.

No offense to the Natural Wonder pups from last year, but I think these guys are ahead of those. Everyone has been climbing up and down the back porch steps for some time now, and this last week they started actually doing it in a coordinated manner, not just flinging and stumbling. Not only can they ALL climb up on my lounge chair (no longer my safe haven!) Lianne and I noticed Forest last evening actually hopped up, didn't have to pull himself. Linda's theory is that with eight, rather than five pups I have forced them to do things for themselves more. Quite likely true.

Pups are also becoming a little more independent. These guys are more often underfoot, but off exploring the far corners of the yard as well. What I love is, when I call them they all come racing to me! And when it's time to go in the house, or into the outside play area, as soon as they realize I've put a pup or two away, everyone else comes running! My husband is up earlier than I am in the mornings and gets them out for their morning potty. He has commented on how much easier this litter is to get back IN the pen than last year. They come and sit at his feet waiting to be picked up!

If you've been here before, you've seen the bushy area along my back fence. My own children always found that a wonderful place to play and hide when they were small and pups are no different. There are bushes to crawl under and eat leaves from (my human children didn't eat leaves, I think.. *g* They used to take blankets back there for picnics though!), large sticks to crawl over, all kinds of exploring to be done!

Forest is probably the most intrepid of the explorers. He tends to lead the pack back to the bushes and is the last to return. River was with him the most in this, but in the last few days has taken to sticking close to me again. He plays around near the porch so he can return for an ear scritching easier.

Cliff, Stone and Tree tend to bring sticks from the back. The other day Stone came trotting up to me on the porch with a stick in his mouth. He dropped it at my feet and sat looking quite proud of himself! Tree actually prefers leaves. He likes to shred them.

There are some Queen Anne's Lace and this morning while I was sitting on the back porch watching them Brook was doing her best to try to get a large one down. She was very frustrated that every time she let go, the flower flew back up above her head! But no matter how much fun they are having back there, there is always at least a pup or two coming back to me for snuggling and lap time. And it's not one or two particular pups, they all have their moments of wanting cuddles.

Meadow's favorite thing is to play on the blue lounge chair on her own. She runs from one end to the other, sliding to keep from falling off. The other day she was chasing her tail though, and ended up spinning herslf off.

How smart are these guys? When they are coming from the kitchen pen to go outside, I open the door to the pen and they all come swarming out. In the last couple of days they have figured this out. They now (almost) all will go immediately to the back door and wait for me to let them out.

The biggest changes this week are legs, tails and necks. MOST pups no longer have those lovely little Portuguese Water Dog tails curled over their backs. Some are at what I call the "broken pump handle" stage, rather than just carried down, but they are relaxing. Except for Brook, but I think that's attitude. I'm not sure it's possible for her tail to come down, the way she struts around. *g*

Field has finally gotten his strategy down for playing with the other pups. Since he's small, they tend to beat him up. He also just doesn't fight back as much. (my little buddy is a lover, not a fighter) So now that the pups are spread out playing more, he waits till someone is alone then sneaks up and pounces on them. *g* It may also have helped that, since he's small, my younger daughter's boyfriend has taken to calling him "Duke". He (boyfriend) really likes Field, but says he needs a tougher name. So, since his re-christening as "Duke" he has seemed to walk a bit taller. ; >

Oh, if you haven't seen it already, catch Cliff on the Sit'N Spin videos. Why work, when the others pups will push you?

Well, got interrupted by two phone calls while writing this, and it's now nearly time to feed pups lunch. That pen hasn't cleaned itself, so I guess I'd better be going...

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Perhaps, like Lewis and Clark, Forest is expressing his desire to head West and explore :-)

Did you finish the Harry Potter book?