Monday, July 23, 2007

They really ARE adorable

This morning it hit me, I have only a week left with the little darlings. I have to keep looking at the dirty morning pen to remind myself that there IS an upside to them leaving to spend that last week with Gramma Linda.

I will miss that first thing of the day adoration from them though. My husband is up earlier than I am each morning, so he gets them up and outside to potty, then puts them in the pen outdoors, rather than back in the dirty night pen INside.

I go outside to greet them and they are SO excited to see me. They jump up and down, puppy breath and kisses abound. Toe nibbling, tail wagging, puppy yips and squeaks... I'll miss them.

Here is what it's like trying to walk them around the yard first thing in the morning. (more new pics posted on Picasa)

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