Sunday, July 22, 2007

Busy weekend... Part 2

So, after all the visitors the pups had, there was even more to come. The next door neighbors had a family picnic Saturday afternoon. Morning started with the neighbor mowing and using the weed whacker along the fence between the yards. Pups and I were in the outdoor pen together at the time. The noise DID startle them, but they quickly recovered and were fascinated.

Then in the afternoon guests started arriving. I took pups outside for an afternoon potty and playtime. They all come tumbling out the back door squawking and yipping like I don't know what, which got the attention of everyone next door, needless to say. Then we are all out in the yard and they are running hither and yon. (the days of the pups following me like little ducklings are fading fast!!)

The grandmother approached the fence first and asked what kind of puppies, how many, etc. Then the kids noticed. Everything from a 3 or 4 years old on up through teens. I took the pups over to the fence. The little ones reached through to pet pups, or adults held them up and I held pups up to pet. Pre-teens and older I let hold pups and ooh and ahh over them. Needless to say, everyone was enchanted.

Last evening both my daughters and their boyfriends were here and outside playing with babies. All had a blast. Linda is coming by for awhile this evening to visit, to finish off our busy weekend!

Oh, did get help weighing the pups this afternoon. We go from 3.25 lbs. with Meadow, Field and Brook to 3 lbs. 10 oz for Cliff, 3.75 lbs. for River and Tree, 3 lbs. 14 oz. for Forest and 4 lbs. for Stone. Having only a 3/4 lb. variance in 8 pups is really not much. In every way, this continues to be a very even litter.

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