Friday, July 6, 2007

It's all over now!

Okay, so now *everyone* can climb out of the box, given the proper incentive. When Neat is in the pen, but not in the box, they all climb out to get her. Very cute. *g* Forest, on the other hand, seems to delight in climbing out, just to prove he can.

I have my daughter's bridal shower tomorrow, but Sunday will likely take the whelping box out of the pen altogether and let them have the run of the entire x-pen area.

We did intro cereal this morning. These guys had it figured out right away and seemed to love it! We'll try two cereal meals tomorrow.

Photos of the feeding and others loaded. As you can see from many of the pics, they were wearing about as much cereal as they ate. *G*


Whitney said...

very cute pics!

Daisy said...

Forest is still my man :-) I love the little video clips!