Tuesday, July 3, 2007


My younger daughter is home from school today so we took the pups outside! Kept them in the shade so the bright light didn't bother their eyes, and everyone did pretty well. They started to seem slightly stressed, so I had Neat come out and nurse them. after dining al fresco, they were very comfortable on the grass.

Kim came over for a visit this morning and we discovered teeth! Not just feeling little nubs under the gums, but actual TEETH on a few of them. We'll start with a little cereal later this week.

Forest is standing around on his toes "growling" at the other pups today. Meadow runs around bashing them and yelling. River and Cliff are having a pretty mellow sort of day, perhaps ready for a growth spurt. Tree actually "ran" a few steps while Kim was here. (very cute, didn't even fall!) Brook and Stone are strutting around looking quite lease with their mobility. *g* Today is Field's "cuddle" day. He comes over and wants to snuggle and lick every time I sit down with them. Such a sweetie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your updates, it is like a mini series.

My family and friends are all reading the blog and anxiously awaiting the "next epsiode." We talk about the puppies as if they were characters...right now Meadow is coming across as quite the mischievous one. What fun!

So even though there are not many comments...you have many readers.

Thanks for doing such a great job keeping us informed.

Lisa Pellum