Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy Birthday! (3 weeks!)

Wow, can't believe it's been 3 weeks already. Okay, so I *can* believe I've been sleeping down here for 3 weeks... *g*

They definitely have teeth and "puppy breath" officially started last week. Does anyone know, is there a connection between teething and puppy breath? They just started around the same time.

Anyway, going to intro cereal today! This should be fun, and messy! Neat will be much happier I am sure.

While I cleaned out the box yesterday I had my daughter and her boyfriend here. Instead of popping the pups into the (much too small now!) smaller box I usually use to hold them while cleaning I put them on the kitchen floor. SO funny to watch them. First, to adjust to a totally new surface, then to figure out how to walk on it! They did "get it" after awhile, but it was pretty cute. Several were doing the splayed out baby seal thing for awhile. Everyone did figure it out, and like the grass outside on Wednesday, handled the new experience very well.

As you have been reading, pups have been having some outside visitors all along. To keep Neat's stress level down, I have kept it to those she knows and is comfortable with up to now. We are now at the stage where she isn't quite so concerned ; > and we can have others come visit, in small doses.

If you are on the list for one of these guys and interested in setting up an in person meet and greet, feel free to contact me . Daytime, during the week is best. Tuesday and Thursday evenings also. One "owner to be" is visiting next Monday, can't wait for her to get to see the little darlings!

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