Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What is your puppy eating now?

Well, pups started on cereal the end of last week. I start them on human baby rice cereal mixed with puppy formula. I change from formula to goat's milk. We start with one meal a day, then to, then three. Each meal also has plain, organic yogurt or kefir added as well. The kibble is the same as I feed my big dogs with each litter. Currently that is Canidae, so that is what these guys are starting on.

Everyone's little systems seem to be coping okay with the change in diet. (No fussing, no apparent tunmy aches and poops are all nice and firm. *g*) So yesterday the middle meal was kibble. I soak the kibble until it's soft and mushy. Mix with the goat's milk and kefir/yogurt and feed. Today they've had two kibble meals, will have cereal tonight. Mainly because I still have some cereal left. Will be on kibble for each meal as soon as it's gone. I will also work them up to 4 meals a day, and even less nursing time.

One note, about eating "real" food rather than just nursing... Not only is there MORE pooping, Neat is no longer cleaning up. It may soon be a conidtion of coming to play with puppies that you take a garbage bag of dirty puppy pen papers home with you. I'm running out of space! My first litter was 13 years ago. It was nine pups (Portuguese Water Dogs) and THAT was a lot of dirty newspapers. But back then you jsut put as many trash bags as you had on the curb. Now we have a can that is all the trash you're allowed in a week. *VBG*

All the pups "got" eating real food out of a dish right away. When I approach the pen with the food pans I bang them together and call "puppy, puppy". They are all cuing in to that meaning chow time! Most though, stay at the side of the pen yipping. Cliff is the first to figure out following me is the thing to do ; >

1 comment:

Caren Murray said...

I told you Cliff was special!!! I think he is soooo cute. Can't wait to get back over to see them again.
