Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Something new
Divided pups up for lunch. Each ate out of a separate bowl. Had to do four, then three. Didn't think I could keep all seven in their own bowl. *g* MUCH calmer eating!
From Carole (2006 Natural Wonder owner)

Carole, Kelsey's owner sent the following:
Okay, attached are two photos - "Meet Incredible Cliff" and "Incredible Cliff on the table." No, I haven't lost my mind, I just get bored sometimes at trials and find stuff to do. In this case, a friend had given me a Pez dispenser and I thought it resembled two of the SuperNatural babies. I got to work scratching off the markings on the right (I'm right-handed and tend to "lean" right), not remembering which puppy was named which. Turns out, he resembled Cliff, so
added a little black paint to finish the look :-) FYI - he has an excellent table count - doesn't move a flinch. Carole
new video
Done and uploaded. I would take the warnings seriously...
I was previously told I nearly woke a whole household of dogs early in the morning when someone was viewing an earlier clip.
And Coke or coffee spurting out your nose because you are laughing uproariously is painful!
I was previously told I nearly woke a whole household of dogs early in the morning when someone was viewing an earlier clip.
And Coke or coffee spurting out your nose because you are laughing uproariously is painful!
Monday, July 30, 2007
"show" puppies
While at Pam's today we tried stacking pups. Okay, so Brook wasn't very happy. I think I did get at least one deecnt photo of the rest. *g*
Also more video loaded, but no links up yet, more video to come!
Also more video loaded, but no links up yet, more video to come!
Big day!
Started off with a morning visit to Auntie Pam's house. LOTS of kids to see!
Back home for lunch and a nap then Stacey and her daughter Carly came for a visit. Trying desperately to pick a favorite among all of these absolutely wonderful, adorable pups! *g*
Then before they left, Kim and her daughter Heather arrived to take their new boy home. Yes, because of various scheduling issues, my eight is down to 7 now. My big, fluffy Cliff is now "Phantom" and at this hour hopefully peacefully asleep in his new home!
Back home for lunch and a nap then Stacey and her daughter Carly came for a visit. Trying desperately to pick a favorite among all of these absolutely wonderful, adorable pups! *g*
Then before they left, Kim and her daughter Heather arrived to take their new boy home. Yes, because of various scheduling issues, my eight is down to 7 now. My big, fluffy Cliff is now "Phantom" and at this hour hopefully peacefully asleep in his new home!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
What pups are doing now...
Okay, so I SHOULD be cleaning out the overnight dirty papers in the pen in the kitchen while pups are outdoors in the big pen. But, I'm not. *g* So I'll fill you all in on puppy development instead. Morning cleaning IS the biggest downside to puppies.
No offense to the Natural Wonder pups from last year, but I think these guys are ahead of those. Everyone has been climbing up and down the back porch steps for some time now, and this last week they started actually doing it in a coordinated manner, not just flinging and stumbling. Not only can they ALL climb up on my lounge chair (no longer my safe haven!) Lianne and I noticed Forest last evening actually hopped up, didn't have to pull himself. Linda's theory is that with eight, rather than five pups I have forced them to do things for themselves more. Quite likely true.
Pups are also becoming a little more independent. These guys are more often underfoot, but off exploring the far corners of the yard as well. What I love is, when I call them they all come racing to me! And when it's time to go in the house, or into the outside play area, as soon as they realize I've put a pup or two away, everyone else comes running! My husband is up earlier than I am in the mornings and gets them out for their morning potty. He has commented on how much easier this litter is to get back IN the pen than last year. They come and sit at his feet waiting to be picked up!
If you've been here before, you've seen the bushy area along my back fence. My own children always found that a wonderful place to play and hide when they were small and pups are no different. There are bushes to crawl under and eat leaves from (my human children didn't eat leaves, I think.. *g* They used to take blankets back there for picnics though!), large sticks to crawl over, all kinds of exploring to be done!
Forest is probably the most intrepid of the explorers. He tends to lead the pack back to the bushes and is the last to return. River was with him the most in this, but in the last few days has taken to sticking close to me again. He plays around near the porch so he can return for an ear scritching easier.
Cliff, Stone and Tree tend to bring sticks from the back. The other day Stone came trotting up to me on the porch with a stick in his mouth. He dropped it at my feet and sat looking quite proud of himself! Tree actually prefers leaves. He likes to shred them.
There are some Queen Anne's Lace and this morning while I was sitting on the back porch watching them Brook was doing her best to try to get a large one down. She was very frustrated that every time she let go, the flower flew back up above her head! But no matter how much fun they are having back there, there is always at least a pup or two coming back to me for snuggling and lap time. And it's not one or two particular pups, they all have their moments of wanting cuddles.
Meadow's favorite thing is to play on the blue lounge chair on her own. She runs from one end to the other, sliding to keep from falling off. The other day she was chasing her tail though, and ended up spinning herslf off.
How smart are these guys? When they are coming from the kitchen pen to go outside, I open the door to the pen and they all come swarming out. In the last couple of days they have figured this out. They now (almost) all will go immediately to the back door and wait for me to let them out.
The biggest changes this week are legs, tails and necks. MOST pups no longer have those lovely little Portuguese Water Dog tails curled over their backs. Some are at what I call the "broken pump handle" stage, rather than just carried down, but they are relaxing. Except for Brook, but I think that's attitude. I'm not sure it's possible for her tail to come down, the way she struts around. *g*
Field has finally gotten his strategy down for playing with the other pups. Since he's small, they tend to beat him up. He also just doesn't fight back as much. (my little buddy is a lover, not a fighter) So now that the pups are spread out playing more, he waits till someone is alone then sneaks up and pounces on them. *g* It may also have helped that, since he's small, my younger daughter's boyfriend has taken to calling him "Duke". He (boyfriend) really likes Field, but says he needs a tougher name. So, since his re-christening as "Duke" he has seemed to walk a bit taller. ; >
Oh, if you haven't seen it already, catch Cliff on the Sit'N Spin videos. Why work, when the others pups will push you?
Well, got interrupted by two phone calls while writing this, and it's now nearly time to feed pups lunch. That pen hasn't cleaned itself, so I guess I'd better be going...
No offense to the Natural Wonder pups from last year, but I think these guys are ahead of those. Everyone has been climbing up and down the back porch steps for some time now, and this last week they started actually doing it in a coordinated manner, not just flinging and stumbling. Not only can they ALL climb up on my lounge chair (no longer my safe haven!) Lianne and I noticed Forest last evening actually hopped up, didn't have to pull himself. Linda's theory is that with eight, rather than five pups I have forced them to do things for themselves more. Quite likely true.
Pups are also becoming a little more independent. These guys are more often underfoot, but off exploring the far corners of the yard as well. What I love is, when I call them they all come racing to me! And when it's time to go in the house, or into the outside play area, as soon as they realize I've put a pup or two away, everyone else comes running! My husband is up earlier than I am in the mornings and gets them out for their morning potty. He has commented on how much easier this litter is to get back IN the pen than last year. They come and sit at his feet waiting to be picked up!
If you've been here before, you've seen the bushy area along my back fence. My own children always found that a wonderful place to play and hide when they were small and pups are no different. There are bushes to crawl under and eat leaves from (my human children didn't eat leaves, I think.. *g* They used to take blankets back there for picnics though!), large sticks to crawl over, all kinds of exploring to be done!
Forest is probably the most intrepid of the explorers. He tends to lead the pack back to the bushes and is the last to return. River was with him the most in this, but in the last few days has taken to sticking close to me again. He plays around near the porch so he can return for an ear scritching easier.
Cliff, Stone and Tree tend to bring sticks from the back. The other day Stone came trotting up to me on the porch with a stick in his mouth. He dropped it at my feet and sat looking quite proud of himself! Tree actually prefers leaves. He likes to shred them.
There are some Queen Anne's Lace and this morning while I was sitting on the back porch watching them Brook was doing her best to try to get a large one down. She was very frustrated that every time she let go, the flower flew back up above her head! But no matter how much fun they are having back there, there is always at least a pup or two coming back to me for snuggling and lap time. And it's not one or two particular pups, they all have their moments of wanting cuddles.
Meadow's favorite thing is to play on the blue lounge chair on her own. She runs from one end to the other, sliding to keep from falling off. The other day she was chasing her tail though, and ended up spinning herslf off.
How smart are these guys? When they are coming from the kitchen pen to go outside, I open the door to the pen and they all come swarming out. In the last couple of days they have figured this out. They now (almost) all will go immediately to the back door and wait for me to let them out.
The biggest changes this week are legs, tails and necks. MOST pups no longer have those lovely little Portuguese Water Dog tails curled over their backs. Some are at what I call the "broken pump handle" stage, rather than just carried down, but they are relaxing. Except for Brook, but I think that's attitude. I'm not sure it's possible for her tail to come down, the way she struts around. *g*
Field has finally gotten his strategy down for playing with the other pups. Since he's small, they tend to beat him up. He also just doesn't fight back as much. (my little buddy is a lover, not a fighter) So now that the pups are spread out playing more, he waits till someone is alone then sneaks up and pounces on them. *g* It may also have helped that, since he's small, my younger daughter's boyfriend has taken to calling him "Duke". He (boyfriend) really likes Field, but says he needs a tougher name. So, since his re-christening as "Duke" he has seemed to walk a bit taller. ; >
Oh, if you haven't seen it already, catch Cliff on the Sit'N Spin videos. Why work, when the others pups will push you?
Well, got interrupted by two phone calls while writing this, and it's now nearly time to feed pups lunch. That pen hasn't cleaned itself, so I guess I'd better be going...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
We ARE still here!
I know, I know, I've been really bad about posting this week. Pups are so active it's kept me really busy and "real life" has also intruded. When I have had free time, just sitting and snuggling w/pups was calling me more strongly than posting to the blog.
I have been taking pictures and video. All pics I have taken are on the Picasa site. Okay, so some of the pics feature Fada more than pups. Hey, she's *my* baby! And when your Super pups all performing wonderful contacts in the years to come, please remember it was the little Podengo that first taught them!
I am also getting videos loaded and will post the links as I upload. Please note Cliff's new technique for the Sit'N Spin. Smart puppy there!
I have been taking pictures and video. All pics I have taken are on the Picasa site. Okay, so some of the pics feature Fada more than pups. Hey, she's *my* baby! And when your Super pups all performing wonderful contacts in the years to come, please remember it was the little Podengo that first taught them!
I am also getting videos loaded and will post the links as I upload. Please note Cliff's new technique for the Sit'N Spin. Smart puppy there!
Monday, July 23, 2007
What SMART puppies
So this morning pups and I are sitting in the outside pen reading the new Harry Potter book. (we're not done, so NO spoilers please!) I had just had pups out in the yard to potty and play, so they were settling in for a nap. All except Cliff. he suddenly was up and crying at the door to the pen. I took him out and he immediately trotted about 10' away and pooped! WHAT a good boy!
BTW, did I mention Brook lifted her leg to pee last week? *g*
BTW, did I mention Brook lifted her leg to pee last week? *g*
They really ARE adorable
This morning it hit me, I have only a week left with the little darlings. I have to keep looking at the dirty morning pen to remind myself that there IS an upside to them leaving to spend that last week with Gramma Linda.
I will miss that first thing of the day adoration from them though. My husband is up earlier than I am each morning, so he gets them up and outside to potty, then puts them in the pen outdoors, rather than back in the dirty night pen INside.
I go outside to greet them and they are SO excited to see me. They jump up and down, puppy breath and kisses abound. Toe nibbling, tail wagging, puppy yips and squeaks... I'll miss them.
Here is what it's like trying to walk them around the yard first thing in the morning. (more new pics posted on Picasa)
I will miss that first thing of the day adoration from them though. My husband is up earlier than I am each morning, so he gets them up and outside to potty, then puts them in the pen outdoors, rather than back in the dirty night pen INside.
I go outside to greet them and they are SO excited to see me. They jump up and down, puppy breath and kisses abound. Toe nibbling, tail wagging, puppy yips and squeaks... I'll miss them.
Here is what it's like trying to walk them around the yard first thing in the morning. (more new pics posted on Picasa)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Busy weekend... Part 2
So, after all the visitors the pups had, there was even more to come. The next door neighbors had a family picnic Saturday afternoon. Morning started with the neighbor mowing and using the weed whacker along the fence between the yards. Pups and I were in the outdoor pen together at the time. The noise DID startle them, but they quickly recovered and were fascinated.
Then in the afternoon guests started arriving. I took pups outside for an afternoon potty and playtime. They all come tumbling out the back door squawking and yipping like I don't know what, which got the attention of everyone next door, needless to say. Then we are all out in the yard and they are running hither and yon. (the days of the pups following me like little ducklings are fading fast!!)
The grandmother approached the fence first and asked what kind of puppies, how many, etc. Then the kids noticed. Everything from a 3 or 4 years old on up through teens. I took the pups over to the fence. The little ones reached through to pet pups, or adults held them up and I held pups up to pet. Pre-teens and older I let hold pups and ooh and ahh over them. Needless to say, everyone was enchanted.
Last evening both my daughters and their boyfriends were here and outside playing with babies. All had a blast. Linda is coming by for awhile this evening to visit, to finish off our busy weekend!
Oh, did get help weighing the pups this afternoon. We go from 3.25 lbs. with Meadow, Field and Brook to 3 lbs. 10 oz for Cliff, 3.75 lbs. for River and Tree, 3 lbs. 14 oz. for Forest and 4 lbs. for Stone. Having only a 3/4 lb. variance in 8 pups is really not much. In every way, this continues to be a very even litter.
Then in the afternoon guests started arriving. I took pups outside for an afternoon potty and playtime. They all come tumbling out the back door squawking and yipping like I don't know what, which got the attention of everyone next door, needless to say. Then we are all out in the yard and they are running hither and yon. (the days of the pups following me like little ducklings are fading fast!!)
The grandmother approached the fence first and asked what kind of puppies, how many, etc. Then the kids noticed. Everything from a 3 or 4 years old on up through teens. I took the pups over to the fence. The little ones reached through to pet pups, or adults held them up and I held pups up to pet. Pre-teens and older I let hold pups and ooh and ahh over them. Needless to say, everyone was enchanted.
Last evening both my daughters and their boyfriends were here and outside playing with babies. All had a blast. Linda is coming by for awhile this evening to visit, to finish off our busy weekend!
Oh, did get help weighing the pups this afternoon. We go from 3.25 lbs. with Meadow, Field and Brook to 3 lbs. 10 oz for Cliff, 3.75 lbs. for River and Tree, 3 lbs. 14 oz. for Forest and 4 lbs. for Stone. Having only a 3/4 lb. variance in 8 pups is really not much. In every way, this continues to be a very even litter.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Busy weekend!
Wow, lots going on! Our road trip to Gramma Linda's on Wed. evening was just the beginning. Thursday evening Lisa P from Champagne, IL made the trip over with her friend, Dave, to visit the pups. (Thanks to Dave for some great photos! Many of them are already posted in the 5 week section) Pups had a great evening with them on Thursday, then they came back over Friday morning before the trek home.
After Lisa and Dave Friday morning. Stacey and her daughter Carly came down from Toledo. Stacey hadn't been here for 2 weeks,and they have changed a LOT since then!
After a midday nap, pups had a visit from Kim and her daughter Heather, accompanied by another friend, Linda.
Friday evening the whole bunch were more than ready for a good rest.
I have made new 5 week folders on the Picasa site and uploaded a batch of new photos.
After Lisa and Dave Friday morning. Stacey and her daughter Carly came down from Toledo. Stacey hadn't been here for 2 weeks,and they have changed a LOT since then!
After a midday nap, pups had a visit from Kim and her daughter Heather, accompanied by another friend, Linda.
Friday evening the whole bunch were more than ready for a good rest.
I have made new 5 week folders on the Picasa site and uploaded a batch of new photos.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Exciting day
We went up to Gramma Linda's this evening for a visit! It's abut an hour drive from my place. They only screamed for about the first... 45 minutes? *g* I will say though, the crates were clean and dry when we got there at least.
Fun was had by all! Wendy Pape and Ann Braue are there teaching a camp with Linda this week and had fun playing with the pups. Two of last year's Natural Wonder pup owners and other friends joined us.
Pups had a ball, running and playing and generally impressing everyone. Is it too biased for me to say these are amazingly advanced pups who only deserve the admiration they received? *g*
They did play enough to wear themselves out and slept nearly all the way home. MUCH more relaxing ride. They are still pretty pooped now, so need to rest up to meet Lisa P (pup owner to be) tomorrow evening!
Fun was had by all! Wendy Pape and Ann Braue are there teaching a camp with Linda this week and had fun playing with the pups. Two of last year's Natural Wonder pup owners and other friends joined us.
Pups had a ball, running and playing and generally impressing everyone. Is it too biased for me to say these are amazingly advanced pups who only deserve the admiration they received? *g*
They did play enough to wear themselves out and slept nearly all the way home. MUCH more relaxing ride. They are still pretty pooped now, so need to rest up to meet Lisa P (pup owner to be) tomorrow evening!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Busy Monday!
Lots of visitors! Started the day with my friend Pam and 3 kids (did I think too take pics of cute kids and pups. Of course not!). Pups had a blast! (kids did too)
The in the afternoon Carole Allen from NJ, who owns Kelsey from the litter last year came by. Kelsey is just gorgeous and sweet as can be. I'd like to think she remembered me. *g*
While Carole was here, Mary Klein came by for a long overdue visit. She couldn't believe how much they had grown!
In the evening I had two agility students over to go over things for an upcoming trial and after working on trial stuff, we played with pups.
Neat also had a good day. Lianne came over and picked her up to take her to our training building to run some equioemnt. Lianne's fiance, Andy, ran her. Andy is fairly new to agility but learning quckly and apparently did quite well with her. And yes Linda, Lianne said they got their contacts. ; > Neat was apparently VERY glad to get "back to work".
Quieter day today, pups are in the kitchen pen napping, so I guess I should be getting some work done!
The in the afternoon Carole Allen from NJ, who owns Kelsey from the litter last year came by. Kelsey is just gorgeous and sweet as can be. I'd like to think she remembered me. *g*
While Carole was here, Mary Klein came by for a long overdue visit. She couldn't believe how much they had grown!
In the evening I had two agility students over to go over things for an upcoming trial and after working on trial stuff, we played with pups.
Neat also had a good day. Lianne came over and picked her up to take her to our training building to run some equioemnt. Lianne's fiance, Andy, ran her. Andy is fairly new to agility but learning quckly and apparently did quite well with her. And yes Linda, Lianne said they got their contacts. ; > Neat was apparently VERY glad to get "back to work".
Quieter day today, pups are in the kitchen pen napping, so I guess I should be getting some work done!
Monday, July 16, 2007
New photos
In 4 week albums for All, Brook, Meadow, Forest, Stone and Cliff.
Big day today! Hoping to have a "kid visit" soon. A friend who has one of her own and to borrowed is supposed to stop by. Then later, Carole Allen from NJ who has Kelsey from the previous litter is coming to meet Kelsey's nieces and nephews! And I'll get to see Kelsey again!
Big day today! Hoping to have a "kid visit" soon. A friend who has one of her own and to borrowed is supposed to stop by. Then later, Carole Allen from NJ who has Kelsey from the previous litter is coming to meet Kelsey's nieces and nephews! And I'll get to see Kelsey again!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sunday update
Well, we slept all night again, but didn't wake up to a clean pen. Oh well, they ARE only 4 1/2 weeks old. *g*
And, the big news of the day is The tri's are starting to get tan spots on their cheeks and ears!
They are beginning to be able to come UP my porch steps now too! They are SO darn cute! You all need to be coming to visit, they are so entertaining!
If any of you are coming from out of town, please, feel free to stay awhile. If you don't care about me sitting and entertaining you, I'll go about my work and you can play with pups. *g*
And, the big news of the day is
They are beginning to be able to come UP my porch steps now too! They are SO darn cute! You all need to be coming to visit, they are so entertaining!
If any of you are coming from out of town, please, feel free to stay awhile. If you don't care about me sitting and entertaining you, I'll go about my work and you can play with pups. *g*
Saturday, July 14, 2007
GOOD puppies
They let Neat and I sleep until 7 this morning. NO night time feeding! AND no poops in their pen this morning. They are also able to come out the door of the pen and I can herd them out the door to the back porch. We have varying degrees of bravery and coordination when getting down the two porch steps.
They are also showing a desire to wait until I let them out of the outside pen to potty in the yard, rather than IN the 8 x 8 play pen. We all hang out in the pen for feedings, play time, napping. Then before they come in the house I turn them all out in the whole yard and everyone potties pretty much as soon as they leave the pen.
Then they romp with Fada, the P Pod and their Mom. Havoc, my male PWD still steers clear. He's afraid of puppies. I've never figured out if it's the pups or because he thinks the dam will kill him. *g*
I will upload some more pics and video later tonight or in the morning. Haven't checked yet to see how well the pics of them w/Fada came out. She is SO tolerant and LOVES the babies! I shouldn't be surprised. When I picked her up in Feb. she had scabs on her muzzle from the Border terror pups her owner had at the time because she'd been romping with them. Fada is just over a year old herself, but seems to think she IS a puppy.
I hear the heathens, oops... "darlings" stirring, so going to let Neat nurse, then get everyone to bed!
They are also showing a desire to wait until I let them out of the outside pen to potty in the yard, rather than IN the 8 x 8 play pen. We all hang out in the pen for feedings, play time, napping. Then before they come in the house I turn them all out in the whole yard and everyone potties pretty much as soon as they leave the pen.
Then they romp with Fada, the P Pod and their Mom. Havoc, my male PWD still steers clear. He's afraid of puppies. I've never figured out if it's the pups or because he thinks the dam will kill him. *g*
I will upload some more pics and video later tonight or in the morning. Haven't checked yet to see how well the pics of them w/Fada came out. She is SO tolerant and LOVES the babies! I shouldn't be surprised. When I picked her up in Feb. she had scabs on her muzzle from the Border terror pups her owner had at the time because she'd been romping with them. Fada is just over a year old herself, but seems to think she IS a puppy.
I hear the heathens, oops... "darlings" stirring, so going to let Neat nurse, then get everyone to bed!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Summer afternoon
It's a beautiful day here in Ohio! Not too hot and not humid, finally! Pups and I are hanging out in the back yard this afternoon. They are "helping" me edit the September issue of Clean Run. *g* So any errors in that issue, I'm blaming on the pups!
Yeah, it's a tough life!
Yeah, it's a tough life!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Happy 4 week Birthday!
I can't believe it's 4 weeks already! They celebrated by having toe nails done this morning. They didn't really enjoy it. *g*
The weather has cooled off nicely, so we spent a good part of the day outside. They really seem to like it. We live not too far from the OSU airport and they were a little taken aback when an airplane flew over. All my pups do that at first, then become very blasé about planes.
The mesh shade screens flapping in the breeze also caught their notice. So many new things!
The weather has cooled off nicely, so we spent a good part of the day outside. They really seem to like it. We live not too far from the OSU airport and they were a little taken aback when an airplane flew over. All my pups do that at first, then become very blasé about planes.
The mesh shade screens flapping in the breeze also caught their notice. So many new things!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Me and my shadow!
Had pups out this evening in the outside pen so I could clean inside. I then let them out into the yard to run around a bit and hopefully potty *before* I put them back in the newly clean pen.
They discovered their shadows and were playing with them. Too cute!
They discovered their shadows and were playing with them. Too cute!
Puppy stimulation and socialization
It has become somewhat fashionable to have an organized "program" for early puppy raising. Some of you may have seen the article by Dr. Carmen Battaglia about early neuro stimulation of pups. He developed this based on some sort of research by the U.S. military I believe and it involves handling each pup once a day during the... first two weeks or so. So, if anyone has read it and is interested, no, I have not tickled their toes with a q-tip or laid them on a cold towel. *g* However, rest assured, all puppies I raise ARE handled, far more than once, daily. I play with toes, ears and all other parts and pieces, just in the general course of checking each pup over.
Part of the "early neuro education" is to hold each pup upright, on their backs, and I don't recall what else. Let's just say, while I am certainly careful when handling pups, I do not treat them as extremely fragile little things. And any dam, no matter how good, will step, roll on and otherwise *abuse* pups from time to time. They have so far been on fleece mats, newspaper, the tiled kitchen floor and most recently the grass.
In the coming week, I will spend more time taking each pup to different areas of the house one at a time. I have found, over the years, that getting them away from the "pack" occasionally challenges what may seem to be a very bold puppy. When you don't have other pups around, sometime they aren't so cocky.
So, between Neat and I, I think these pups are fairly "stimulated".
Friends (known to Neat) and family have been visiting pups all along. Starting next week I have asked some other folks to start coming by for visits. Particularly those with kids. Since my youngest "kid" is now 21 years old and only home on weekends I now have to work to socialize pups to children. So it's time to begin having responsible, well behaved young visitors. I strongly suggest those of you getting pups who do NOT have children continue this when you get them home. Find responsible young neighbors to come give your puppy treats each day and play with it. You don't want your future agility champ worried about those short aliens often utilized as leash runners and ring crew at trials! *g*
So now you know what your pup has been doing, and have an idea of what the next week or so will bring. As always, I am happy to answer any questions you may have (except which pup is my favorite, because it changes all the time!), and if anyone wants to visit, just ask!
Part of the "early neuro education" is to hold each pup upright, on their backs, and I don't recall what else. Let's just say, while I am certainly careful when handling pups, I do not treat them as extremely fragile little things. And any dam, no matter how good, will step, roll on and otherwise *abuse* pups from time to time. They have so far been on fleece mats, newspaper, the tiled kitchen floor and most recently the grass.
In the coming week, I will spend more time taking each pup to different areas of the house one at a time. I have found, over the years, that getting them away from the "pack" occasionally challenges what may seem to be a very bold puppy. When you don't have other pups around, sometime they aren't so cocky.
So, between Neat and I, I think these pups are fairly "stimulated".
Friends (known to Neat) and family have been visiting pups all along. Starting next week I have asked some other folks to start coming by for visits. Particularly those with kids. Since my youngest "kid" is now 21 years old and only home on weekends I now have to work to socialize pups to children. So it's time to begin having responsible, well behaved young visitors. I strongly suggest those of you getting pups who do NOT have children continue this when you get them home. Find responsible young neighbors to come give your puppy treats each day and play with it. You don't want your future agility champ worried about those short aliens often utilized as leash runners and ring crew at trials! *g*
So now you know what your pup has been doing, and have an idea of what the next week or so will bring. As always, I am happy to answer any questions you may have (except which pup is my favorite, because it changes all the time!), and if anyone wants to visit, just ask!
What is your puppy doing now?
As I said, they are in the bigger pen and now have toys. It's cute watching them figure out toys. They like the stuffed animals and the "booda bone". The pink pig is, once again, a favorite. Last year's pups loved it too.
A new addition this year is a "tunnel". Some friends and I who all have the occasional litter of pups have a supply of puppy things we pass around, and the tunnel was added since I had the stuff last year. You can see it in at least a photo or two on the Picassa site.
We also have been outside a few times to play. I set a pen up to put them in while I clean the indoor pen. The grass was a little strange for them at first, now they're fine. Today is actually a much cooler day than we've been having. I'm hoping it stays nice so we can spend more time playing outside.
All pups do respond and come to me when I call "puppy, puppy". When I sit in the pen they love to crawl on my lap. Of course, now that they have teeth they nibble on my toes as well!
While Kim and her daughter, Heather, were here, we took the pups outside to play. They ate their lunch, then Fada, the Podengo came out to play with them. Fada weighs only nine pounds, so the pups were all over her. The little pigs had just eaten a huge meal, and were trying to nurse Fada still! Incredibly patient baby that she is, she just laid there and let them. River had even really latched on!
Several pups have started doing play bows to one another and stalking each other down. They are really starting to interact with one another more and more. I will trade out toys as time goes on. I switch them from time to time, to introduce new things. Will keep you all posted on how things are going!
A new addition this year is a "tunnel". Some friends and I who all have the occasional litter of pups have a supply of puppy things we pass around, and the tunnel was added since I had the stuff last year. You can see it in at least a photo or two on the Picassa site.
We also have been outside a few times to play. I set a pen up to put them in while I clean the indoor pen. The grass was a little strange for them at first, now they're fine. Today is actually a much cooler day than we've been having. I'm hoping it stays nice so we can spend more time playing outside.
All pups do respond and come to me when I call "puppy, puppy". When I sit in the pen they love to crawl on my lap. Of course, now that they have teeth they nibble on my toes as well!
While Kim and her daughter, Heather, were here, we took the pups outside to play. They ate their lunch, then Fada, the Podengo came out to play with them. Fada weighs only nine pounds, so the pups were all over her. The little pigs had just eaten a huge meal, and were trying to nurse Fada still! Incredibly patient baby that she is, she just laid there and let them. River had even really latched on!
Several pups have started doing play bows to one another and stalking each other down. They are really starting to interact with one another more and more. I will trade out toys as time goes on. I switch them from time to time, to introduce new things. Will keep you all posted on how things are going!
What is your puppy eating now?
Well, pups started on cereal the end of last week. I start them on human baby rice cereal mixed with puppy formula. I change from formula to goat's milk. We start with one meal a day, then to, then three. Each meal also has plain, organic yogurt or kefir added as well. The kibble is the same as I feed my big dogs with each litter. Currently that is Canidae, so that is what these guys are starting on.
Everyone's little systems seem to be coping okay with the change in diet. (No fussing, no apparent tunmy aches and poops are all nice and firm. *g*) So yesterday the middle meal was kibble. I soak the kibble until it's soft and mushy. Mix with the goat's milk and kefir/yogurt and feed. Today they've had two kibble meals, will have cereal tonight. Mainly because I still have some cereal left. Will be on kibble for each meal as soon as it's gone. I will also work them up to 4 meals a day, and even less nursing time.
One note, about eating "real" food rather than just nursing... Not only is there MORE pooping, Neat is no longer cleaning up. It may soon be a conidtion of coming to play with puppies that you take a garbage bag of dirty puppy pen papers home with you. I'm running out of space! My first litter was 13 years ago. It was nine pups (Portuguese Water Dogs) and THAT was a lot of dirty newspapers. But back then you jsut put as many trash bags as you had on the curb. Now we have a can that is all the trash you're allowed in a week. *VBG*
All the pups "got" eating real food out of a dish right away. When I approach the pen with the food pans I bang them together and call "puppy, puppy". They are all cuing in to that meaning chow time! Most though, stay at the side of the pen yipping. Cliff is the first to figure out following me is the thing to do ; >
Everyone's little systems seem to be coping okay with the change in diet. (No fussing, no apparent tunmy aches and poops are all nice and firm. *g*) So yesterday the middle meal was kibble. I soak the kibble until it's soft and mushy. Mix with the goat's milk and kefir/yogurt and feed. Today they've had two kibble meals, will have cereal tonight. Mainly because I still have some cereal left. Will be on kibble for each meal as soon as it's gone. I will also work them up to 4 meals a day, and even less nursing time.
One note, about eating "real" food rather than just nursing... Not only is there MORE pooping, Neat is no longer cleaning up. It may soon be a conidtion of coming to play with puppies that you take a garbage bag of dirty puppy pen papers home with you. I'm running out of space! My first litter was 13 years ago. It was nine pups (Portuguese Water Dogs) and THAT was a lot of dirty newspapers. But back then you jsut put as many trash bags as you had on the curb. Now we have a can that is all the trash you're allowed in a week. *VBG*
All the pups "got" eating real food out of a dish right away. When I approach the pen with the food pans I bang them together and call "puppy, puppy". They are all cuing in to that meaning chow time! Most though, stay at the side of the pen yipping. Cliff is the first to figure out following me is the thing to do ; >
Finally another update
I'll break this one up, because I am *so* far behind in keeping you all up to date, and because Kim and her daughter are due over soon for a visit. Poor Kim has been out of town and not seen pups in over a week. She will sure see a difference!
Puppies also had a visit on Monday from owner to be Stacey, and a mutual friend of ours, Vera. Stacey and Vera kept the pups busy in the kitchen while I took out the whelping box and put newspaper down in the whole pen area.
It was fun to watch them when we put them in. Completely new environment for them. At first they were a little taken aback. Then they started to explore. The pen has fleeces down in part of it, with the bottom half of a small vari kennel as a "den". The rest is all newspaper. The newspaper is a completely different surface than what they have experienced, so it took them a moment to adjust, then they realized they had room to RUN across the pen! Okay, so running was ending in falling, but it was still cute.
After visitors, kitchen floor play, then the excitement of the new "home", everyone took a nice long nap.
More later.
Puppies also had a visit on Monday from owner to be Stacey, and a mutual friend of ours, Vera. Stacey and Vera kept the pups busy in the kitchen while I took out the whelping box and put newspaper down in the whole pen area.
It was fun to watch them when we put them in. Completely new environment for them. At first they were a little taken aback. Then they started to explore. The pen has fleeces down in part of it, with the bottom half of a small vari kennel as a "den". The rest is all newspaper. The newspaper is a completely different surface than what they have experienced, so it took them a moment to adjust, then they realized they had room to RUN across the pen! Okay, so running was ending in falling, but it was still cute.
After visitors, kitchen floor play, then the excitement of the new "home", everyone took a nice long nap.
More later.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Video and pics
New pics on the Picassa site, and this short clip of Brook. Pups got a "new home" yesterday, as I finally got the whelping box taken out and the pen set up for them. Hopefully all the pics ended up in the correct pup's folders this time~
Off to a wedding dress fitting with Lianne, will update on pups' progress later.
(removed video to seee if Linda can load page now. All video links now on right side of page)
Off to a wedding dress fitting with Lianne, will update on pups' progress later.
(removed video to seee if Linda can load page now. All video links now on right side of page)
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Bridal shower is over, stamps have arrived so I can finish wedding invitations, then pups will take OVER my next 3-4 weeks. They can ALL escape the whelping box, so that is going away tomorrow. Stacey, you will have a chance to see them learn their new environment when you're here Monday!
Lianne was entertaining them while I changed bedding this morning. They were playing TUG with the towel she was cleaning them up with. (they had just finished their morning cereal) Later this afternoon, they were all grabbing the hem of my skirt. They *like* tug!
They also LOVE cereal. Two meals today, no one seems to have ill effects. Trying three tomorrow.
Lianne was entertaining them while I changed bedding this morning. They were playing TUG with the towel she was cleaning them up with. (they had just finished their morning cereal) Later this afternoon, they were all grabbing the hem of my skirt. They *like* tug!
They also LOVE cereal. Two meals today, no one seems to have ill effects. Trying three tomorrow.
Friday, July 6, 2007
It's all over now!
Okay, so now *everyone* can climb out of the box, given the proper incentive. When Neat is in the pen, but not in the box, they all climb out to get her. Very cute. *g* Forest, on the other hand, seems to delight in climbing out, just to prove he can.
I have my daughter's bridal shower tomorrow, but Sunday will likely take the whelping box out of the pen altogether and let them have the run of the entire x-pen area.
We did intro cereal this morning. These guys had it figured out right away and seemed to love it! We'll try two cereal meals tomorrow.
Photos of the feeding and others loaded. As you can see from many of the pics, they were wearing about as much cereal as they ate. *G*
I have my daughter's bridal shower tomorrow, but Sunday will likely take the whelping box out of the pen altogether and let them have the run of the entire x-pen area.
We did intro cereal this morning. These guys had it figured out right away and seemed to love it! We'll try two cereal meals tomorrow.
Photos of the feeding and others loaded. As you can see from many of the pics, they were wearing about as much cereal as they ate. *G*
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Happy Birthday! (3 weeks!)
Wow, can't believe it's been 3 weeks already. Okay, so I *can* believe I've been sleeping down here for 3 weeks... *g*
They definitely have teeth and "puppy breath" officially started last week. Does anyone know, is there a connection between teething and puppy breath? They just started around the same time.
Anyway, going to intro cereal today! This should be fun, and messy! Neat will be much happier I am sure.
While I cleaned out the box yesterday I had my daughter and her boyfriend here. Instead of popping the pups into the (much too small now!) smaller box I usually use to hold them while cleaning I put them on the kitchen floor. SO funny to watch them. First, to adjust to a totally new surface, then to figure out how to walk on it! They did "get it" after awhile, but it was pretty cute. Several were doing the splayed out baby seal thing for awhile. Everyone did figure it out, and like the grass outside on Wednesday, handled the new experience very well.
As you have been reading, pups have been having some outside visitors all along. To keep Neat's stress level down, I have kept it to those she knows and is comfortable with up to now. We are now at the stage where she isn't quite so concerned ; > and we can have others come visit, in small doses.
If you are on the list for one of these guys and interested in setting up an in person meet and greet, feel free to contact me agilpwd@gmail.com . Daytime, during the week is best. Tuesday and Thursday evenings also. One "owner to be" is visiting next Monday, can't wait for her to get to see the little darlings!
They definitely have teeth and "puppy breath" officially started last week. Does anyone know, is there a connection between teething and puppy breath? They just started around the same time.
Anyway, going to intro cereal today! This should be fun, and messy! Neat will be much happier I am sure.
While I cleaned out the box yesterday I had my daughter and her boyfriend here. Instead of popping the pups into the (much too small now!) smaller box I usually use to hold them while cleaning I put them on the kitchen floor. SO funny to watch them. First, to adjust to a totally new surface, then to figure out how to walk on it! They did "get it" after awhile, but it was pretty cute. Several were doing the splayed out baby seal thing for awhile. Everyone did figure it out, and like the grass outside on Wednesday, handled the new experience very well.
As you have been reading, pups have been having some outside visitors all along. To keep Neat's stress level down, I have kept it to those she knows and is comfortable with up to now. We are now at the stage where she isn't quite so concerned ; > and we can have others come visit, in small doses.
If you are on the list for one of these guys and interested in setting up an in person meet and greet, feel free to contact me agilpwd@gmail.com . Daytime, during the week is best. Tuesday and Thursday evenings also. One "owner to be" is visiting next Monday, can't wait for her to get to see the little darlings!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
My younger daughter is home from school today so we took the pups outside! Kept them in the shade so the bright light didn't bother their eyes, and everyone did pretty well. They started to seem slightly stressed, so I had Neat come out and nurse them. after dining al fresco, they were very comfortable on the grass.
Kim came over for a visit this morning and we discovered teeth! Not just feeling little nubs under the gums, but actual TEETH on a few of them. We'll start with a little cereal later this week.
Forest is standing around on his toes "growling" at the other pups today. Meadow runs around bashing them and yelling. River and Cliff are having a pretty mellow sort of day, perhaps ready for a growth spurt. Tree actually "ran" a few steps while Kim was here. (very cute, didn't even fall!) Brook and Stone are strutting around looking quite lease with their mobility. *g* Today is Field's "cuddle" day. He comes over and wants to snuggle and lick every time I sit down with them. Such a sweetie!
Kim came over for a visit this morning and we discovered teeth! Not just feeling little nubs under the gums, but actual TEETH on a few of them. We'll start with a little cereal later this week.
Forest is standing around on his toes "growling" at the other pups today. Meadow runs around bashing them and yelling. River and Cliff are having a pretty mellow sort of day, perhaps ready for a growth spurt. Tree actually "ran" a few steps while Kim was here. (very cute, didn't even fall!) Brook and Stone are strutting around looking quite lease with their mobility. *g* Today is Field's "cuddle" day. He comes over and wants to snuggle and lick every time I sit down with them. Such a sweetie!
Monday, July 2, 2007
New pics!
On the Picasa site.
Meadow made it out this morning, but I am fairly certain she climbed on siblings. Smart girl! *g* She is hilarious! She *runs* across the box to pounce on other pups, making growly noises. She's little, but she is tough!
Meadow made it out this morning, but I am fairly certain she climbed on siblings. Smart girl! *g* She is hilarious! She *runs* across the box to pounce on other pups, making growly noises. She's little, but she is tough!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Another escape!
Went out to dinner and came home to find Forest out of the box! Good thing I re-vamped the pen area this morning. I'm not sure he'd been out long. He was standing beside the box, rather than with Neat, and just looked rather confused. *g*
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