Friday, June 29, 2007

Updates on everyone!

They're adorable! Sorry Kim, they were awake and fun for Linda. If it makes you feel better, they were all asleep again by the time Lianne arrived. *g*

They come to the side of the box now when you sit down and talk to them. They DEFINITELY hear. Everyone has eyes at least partially open. They are starting to play with one another. They paw at each other, chew, etc. Meadow and Brook were playing "bitey face". Very cute!

Did toe nails again today. Forest was a GOOD boy. Everyone else was a pain! Okay, so Forest DID pee on me, but he was easiest to do nails!

Stone can now walk without falling on his face. Yeah!

Tree's head spot is almost closed in on one side. The white is just barely a thin strip now.

Meadow is getting black spots on her muzzle.

Field has the most open eye. Acts like he's seeing, though I don't really think they can at this stage. Finds his way to me easily though.

Cliff has about the most pigment on his nose, except for Forest and Brook who were born with black noses.

We got weights today. River is the biggest! He edged out Forest in today's weigh in.

Brook isn't far behind. She is always one of the first to the snack bar!She's a really mobile little thing. She and Meadow seem steadiest on their feet. Must be a "girl thing." *G*

Phew! Okay, that's where we are now! I'll work on more pics over the weekend, but am posting some from yesterday.

(hey, cut me some slack folks, I'm also addressing wedding invitations here! *VBG*)

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