Saturday, June 23, 2007

okay, I've been slacking...

My daughter informed me last evening I was a bad Puppy Momma for not updating the blog. *g*

Honestly, until today, there has been nothing new to report. They are getting bigger, but still pretty much just eating and sleeping. Linda came to visit this afternoon, and they weren't very exciting. They were getting their front ends up, starting to try to toddle. Mostly though, just falling over. Pretty cute actually.

However, after she left, they ate, napped, I changed the bedding in the box, they ate and napped again then... just a little while ago I was in the box visiting with them and Cliff stood up and pooped! Yes, STOOD up. As they all started waking up, several got up and started staggering about the box. Seriously walking. Okay, and pooping too. Ick! This means Neat won't be keeping up with them as well now, I'm on serious puppy box duty...

Sorry Linda, you missed it by mere hours! River sat up and head butted Brook (who screamed, of course), then Neat got in and they now are all contentedly eating. More pics tomorrow, will try to get some shots of pups standing and walking. (and likely pooping. *G*)

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