Thursday, January 14, 2010

tough life!

Just an fyi, Cupid is now wearing orange. I ran out of pink. I have uploaded some video from this afternoon. You can all feel very sorry for poor Neat. Puppies seem to have settled into their new home by now. There was a lot of sleeping after the move. At this stage, anything new is stressful. Now they seem to be enjoying the larger surroundings.

We are looking forward to the weekend visitors coming!


Lisa said...

Cupid is my favorite...I was hoping that she'd end up with Vicki so I'd get to see her grow up. But that new orange ribbon sort of looks like Rudolph's red one, so maybe she'll stick around after all :)

Unknown said...

I like Cupid's uneven muzzle markings. I am hoping to run out and buy more rick rack today.

Lisa said...

Yes, it makes her look like she's smirking at something (probably Blitzen's chubbiness)