Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Patriotic pups!


Daisy said...

Who is the last pup? I like the smile on the face!

lm said...

You are supposed to figure them out yourself :)

The one with the pink nose is Rudolph :)

Unknown said...

hmmmm.... guess we all have to take stab at it? ; > Linda and I gad to piece it together. Several didn't have collars on, and you couldn't see them on the ones who did. They are going to start having collars on less and less. They seem to be grabbing each other by them. They may not be wearing them much longer.

Kathy said...

Love the smudgy face...third from the bottom!

Unknown said...

OK, it's not fair not being able to see their neck markings, but I will give it a shot. From the top down: Prancer, Dasher, Vixen, Comet, Blitzen, Cupid, Tap Dancer, and Rudolph. Did I get them right?

Vixen has a fuller white collar, Comet only has a partial white collar, and of course Tap is the male. Otherwise these three have pretty similar face markings. The rest are pretty distinctive, though Prancer is starting to lose her tiny white strip on her forehead, so she is starting to look a little more like Cupid, but is smaller.

Unknown said...

Vicki gets the gold star! (at least that's who *I* think they each are. )