Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday morning

Last night I started sleeping downstairs so the girls would be in the whelping pens overnight. (and I'm there to keep my eye on them!) Good thing I'm short, the love seat isn't too big. : )

Started today will be feeding 3 meals a day to the girls, and, of course, Havoc can't just stand and drool, so he's getting his food split into 3 smaller meals now. Maybe he'll decide this whole thing isn't so bad after all.

Nothing really going on with temps yet, so we'll spend today seeing how things go. Pretty much the dogs and I whelping room bound from here on out.


linda said...

Ok Lisa its been 9 hours since the last update....

Unknown said...

Impatient? I'm wrapping presents and doing laundry, will post more tonight, but basically, nothing happening.

Kathy said...

Let us know if you need anything down there. We'll send pizza to you once in a while.