Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday morning

What a wonderful way to start the week! There is just enough snow on the ground to be a pretty blanket, I had a wonderful Christmas; after all was said and done, and as restful a night as could be expected.

I am pretty bad about new babies. I sleep in the same room for at least a week to ten days. What that does is have me waking up every time someone squeaks. They are almost always okay, but every once in a while a pup is stuck under a mom and needs rescued. Okay, they would work it out on their own if I wasn't there, but I worry. It's what I do. : )

Fada and her little family are heading up to vet this morning. Drummer has rear dews that need to come off, so I'll have all off since we're going. (Podengo standard allows either way, and in case either ends up doing any coursing/field, it's a good idea)

I expect it to be a "catch up" day for Neat. She was pretty sleepy all day yesterday, from her ordeal and anesthesia. This is why I SO hate a c-section on first time moms. Experienced ones like Neat just sort of go into auto pilot, having "been there done that" before and still function as a mom while recovering.

Hopefully she is a little better today about clean up. These are the poopingest (sure it's a word, I'm an editor and I just said so! ) puppies I have ever seen! When we were at the vet yesterday Pam and Lianne were cleaning poop off of their blanket that was as long as the blasted pups are! And I will cut Neat a little slack for yesterday, but every time I was in the box with her my hand or foot landed on puppy poo. Always a special treat... So hopefully today Neat is a little more vigilant about clean up patrol. : )

I will get weights on all the little ones today and work out names for them all. Going to watch them, get a little bit of a read on their personalities. Yes, puppies can have personalities, even this soon. We have at least two girls that I think are trying to be the "Brook" of this litter. And Brook WAS like that, from early on. Anyone who followed the last litter knows what I mean by that. Anyone that doesn't, go back to 2007 and read. You'll soon get it.

Raising all of these girls will be interesting. I figure Neat and I coped with all those blasted boys, and Brook/Breaker (now little Meadow/Trudy was another story. What a little doll baby!) last time, certainly we can handle the girls. I had a litter of ALL boys (5) in PWDs many years ago. They were pure hell compared to litters with girls to temper the mix a little. Everything you expect of boys; rowdy, clumsy, messy, noisy... Okay, I am biased, my two human children were girls, and I have always been glad. Will girls being in this big a majority give me pushy, picking on each other and squabbling? ("she touched me", "she touched me first!") Stay tuned!

Have to run now and update the Podengo blog, feed girls and be ready when Andy comes over the puppy sit with Neat and her family while I run Fada and hers to the vet!


Lianne Martin said...

Glad everyone's doing well :)

How's my little blue girl doing, does she miss me? She was so sweet yesterday! I pick her as the next Meadow/Trudy :)

Dudley said...

Did blogs exist when the first Neat x Stellar pups were born? I would love to read it. I am betting little Sweetie (then known as 'Angel') was perfect and precious even as a wee lass! :-)

Unknown said...

I imagine blogs existed then, but I didn't know about them Dudley. I know, I sure wish I had that to go back and look at like I did last week with the 2007 litter.

Lianne Martin said...

Dudley - Sweetie was absolutely sweet and an Angel. She was my *favorite* puppy from that litter. From what I remember she was a cuddle-bug and I would sit there with her in the backyard for hours enjoying :)

Unknown said...

Little Angel puppy absolutely WAS an angel, and I I said at the time you picked the most perfect name for her!

Dudley said...

She still is a big cuddle-bug (unless you are under the age of 12!). Every night when we go to bed I swear I pat her for at least half an hour. She wants to just "be" with me. She thinks Greg hung the moon too. Of course we both spoil her absolutely rotten. She gets away with murder compared to everyone else! I love her to bits.

LitlBigDog said...

Congratulations on a beautiful litter, Lisa! Hugs to one of my favorite girlies (Mama Neat)!!

LitlBigDog said...

Oh! I see it didn't give my name! It me! Diann!