Sunday, December 27, 2009

Feeling better

I came home and slept for 3 hours, feeling better now. Neat is pretty darn tired, but resting peacefully. Joanne's feeling is that with the pacing and fussing Neat did all day yesterday, she had pretty much worn herself out before labor even started. So by the time we were at 6 she was beat, after 7 just too tired to keep things moving.

Really up till #7 things went very smoothly here. Looking at the log, she had those first 4 in a hour! Took 40 minutes off till #5, a little over an hour and a half to #6.

Fada was EXHAUSTED by the time we left, my husband said. (I had him get up and come down to sit with Fada, Piper and Drummer) She was not only UP all night, but sitting vigil, very concerned over hearing babies cry that weren't hers. She kept checking on hers over and over again. Never to the point that I felt I needed to move her out of the room, but just watchful.

MANY thanks to my great whelping team! Rick, Michelle, Pam and Lianne were here all night. Cherry for a large portion of it. It was Michelle's first whelping, she may do this herself eventually and wanted experience. She was catching and shaking down pups like a pro by the time it was over! Pam, Rick and I have done countless whelpings together over the years. Our own and other folks girls. Nothing like working with friends you are familiar with, it is very comfortable. And it's so nice to have Lianne all grown up and helping out with both whelpings. Nothing like raising your own dog help. : )

Pam and Lianne went to the vet with me, which was really a good thing, as I all of the sudden found myself very lightheaded when they opened Neat up and had to leave the room and sit down. Never happened to me there before. I used to work there, have been in on numerous surgeries before. Lack of food and sleep, and stress I am sure, all contributed. Had to leave Lianne and Pam for the hand off of the pup as he came out. I was in phone contact with Linda at once we headed to the vet and she as as stressed as I was!

And I SO appreciate having a friend and vet that I can call at 6AM on Sunday morning and have her meet me within the hour. Times like this you REALLY want to have someone you know and trust, not the emergency service.

It was fun having Lianne read me all your comments through the night as we went through this, please check back in and I'll try to keep both girls' blogs updated as we go through the next couple of months!

Final tally
#1 pink - 13.4 oz.
#2 yellow - 14.5 oz (tri)
#3 lt blue - 11.2 oz.
#4 red - 13.2 oz. (tri)
#5 rainbow - 13.9 oz. (tri)
#6 purple - 12.7 oz.
#7 white - 9.7 oz. (tri)
#8 green - 9.2 oz.


Kelli said...

They are darling! Good work, team. And what a story!

Frank F said...

I'm confused.

Is number six a boy or a girl?


Unknown said...

Green and Red are boys, the other six are girls.

Unknown said...

ahhh... Frank, I'll bet you were confused because Lianne interspersed the "Boy's butt" photo of Red boy between #6 and #7, to show off his tri. L )

Unknown said...

we were ALL getting pretty punchy by then. : )

Whitney said...

Very glad Neat (and you) are finished and can relax for a bit... congrats on 8 new pups!!! Can't wait to see the progress over the next few weeks :)

Frank F said...

Thanks for the clarification.

Congratulations on a job well done.

fourfleetfeet said...

Like previous posters, I'm relieved that all is well and peaceful at your house. Here's to warm and snuggly puppies, contented moms and a glass of wine and long naps for everyone else!

Kathy said...

Why did they "open Neat up?"

Unknown said...

Kathy, we ended up with a C-section for the last one. Hope you ladies are all happy how hard we worked for another little boy in that mess of girls! : )

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the beautiful litter, it's going to be fun watching them grow up!