Sunday, December 13, 2009

Getting closer!

Not as noticeable as little Fada, but Neat is getting bigger every day! I am quite certain both girls have been feeling puppies moving for over a week. They will all of the sudden stop when walking around. Fada tries to get her rear leg up and scratch her belly. Pretty silly actually. Or they will be laying on the floor and all of the sudden jump. But this morning I am beginning to think I am feeling Fada's babies moving. I assume I'll get the same from Neat in a day or so. Both girls getting mammary development.

Both girls are going for an x-ray in a week (12/21) so we will have a better idea of how many puppies. Actually, after Neat's reabsorbing the whole litter this past summer, I will feel MUCH better just still seeing puppies there.

Need to get some more pictures of the expanding girls. Maybe get Mike to help me out. Doing toe nails this afternoon, baths later this week. I'll set up the whelping areas and start taking Fada's temp by the end of the week as well. Neat to follow soon after!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keeping fingers crossed, and holding thumbs for lots and lots of puppies, border collie and podengo alike!