Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thursday morning

Wow, we slept till 9AM! Now, part of that is we were up a little later last night, and the BC babies were sort of restless... I was up several times to get pups unstuck from behind Neat.

Neat, btw, is MUCH perkier than earlier in the week. Starting yesterday I saw a difference in her. She IS now cleaning up after pups (yeah!) and just has a better "look" in here eye. She had been looking fairly depressed. She had what I call her, "I hate my life" look before yesterday. And while she was perfectly fine to lay there and let pups nurse, she was definitely caring for them, but just seemed somewhat detached.

Lianne pointed out, not only did the poor girl go through a long, hard whelping, but then ended up with major surgery. And came home to care for 8 little heathens, still with after effect of anesthesia...

I also think she just "discovered" yesterday that there were puppies in the pen next to hers! She was trying to peer over the wall between she and Fada's pens. When she was out of her pen she went over to the front of Fada's and wagged and whined at the puppies.

I used the lid for my x-pen to make a taller divider between the pens now, so now chance of either girl hopping over. I'm happy to see my bright eyed little Neat back and appearing to enjoy motherhood more now!

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